Lost America
Night Photography of the Abandoned West
The Lost America Technique
Night Vision
Lost America
Ghost Towns
Downtown ::::: 2007 ::::: Darwin, California
In The Neighborhood ::::: 2007 ::::: Darwin, California
The Memorial Bed ::::: 2015 ::::: 29 Palms / Wonder Valley
The All Nighter ::::: 2016 ::::: Last Chance Valley, California
Red Star Rising ::::: 2008 ::::: Ludlow, California
Dragons Lair ::::: 2017 ::::: Currant, Nevada
The River of Sand ::::: 2019 ::::: Newberry, California
The Night Hunter ::::: 2015 ::::: 29 Palms / Wonder Valley
The Waterhole ::::: 2016 ::::: Mina, Nevada
But I Didn't Have the Salmon Mousse ::::: 2015 ::::: Antelope Valley, California
Mayson ::::: 2016 ::::: Bobbie's Buckeye Bar and Whorehouse, Tonopah, Nevada
Waiting Your Turn ::::: 2016 ::::: Bobbie's Buckeye Bar and Whorehouse, Tonopah, Nevada
Cuervo de Amor ::::: 2016 ::::: Bobbie's Buckeye Bar and Whorehouse, Tonopah, Nevada
Black and White Western ::::: 2016 ::::: Bobbie's Buckeye Bar and Whorehouse, Tonopah, Nevada
The Lonely Intersection Channel ::::: 2013 ::::: Coaldale, Nevada
The Paste Eater ::::: 2017 ::::: Goldfield, Nevada
Tumbleweed Bar ::::: 2009 ::::: Currant, Nevada
Second Feature at the Sagecrest ::::: 2010 ::::: Yerington, Nevada
The Tower of Rust ::::: 2006 ::::: New Idria, California
The Ghost of Super Soul ::::: 2017 ::::: Goldfield, Nevada
The Lonely Bull ::::: 2007 ::::: Yermo, California
Postmarked By The Moon ::::: 2012 ::::: Cantil, California
The Nevada Copperbelt ::::: 2010
The Omen II ::::: 2007 ::::: Mount Montgomery, Nevada
Living In The Pink ::::: 2016 ::::: Mina, Nevada
The Mill at Grantsville ::::: 2012 ::::: Grantsville, Nevada
Godbe Mill ::::: 2009 ::::: Pioche, Nevada
The Caselton Scale ::::: 2009 ::::: Caselton, Nevada
The Sofa Monster ::::: 2019 ::::: Hinkley, California
Rudy Cox's Studio ::::: 2019 ::::: Newberry, California
Sixty-Six-Ville ::::: 2019 ::::: Newberry, California
Dirty Santa ::::: 2006 ::::: New Idria, California
Bungalow ::::: 2007 ::::: Antelope Valley, California
High Vista Cafe ::::: 2008 ::::: High Vista, California
Plum Stormy ::::: 2017 ::::: Currant, Nevada
The Scorpion Room ::::: 2016 ::::: Last Chance Valley, California
Behind the Gate ::::: 2015 ::::: 29 Palms / Wonder Valley
Sea Wolf ::::: 2006 ::::: Coaldale, Nevada
Eighth Air Force ::::: 2010 ::::: Tonopah, Nevada
Double Parked in the Skylane ::::: 2010 ::::: Tonopah, Nevada
Dunmovin' ::::: 2007 ::::: Dunmovin', California
Cabin on the Moon ::::: 2008 ::::: Dunmovin', California
Ludlow Cafe '08 ::::: 2008 ::::: Ludlow, California
Upper Management ::::: 2007 ::::: Lockhart, California
Monsoon at Kincaid's ::::: 2010 ::::: Kincaid, Nevada
The Browns Aren't Coming Back ::::: 2012 ::::: 29 Palms / Wonder Valley
Marked but Unmarked ::::: 2007 ::::: Darwin, California
Boundary Peak ::::: 2007 ::::: Mount Montgomery, Nevada
Room Number Seven ::::: 2007 ::::: Mount Montgomery, Nevada
Lucky Lager ::::: 2007 ::::: Lockhart, California
KOA-Frame ::::: 2019 ::::: Hinkley, California
Cartago Cafe ::::: 2008 ::::: Cartago, California
Tin Castle ::::: 2010 ::::: Tonopah, Nevada
Lenticular ::::: 2007 ::::: Llano, California
Window Display ::::: 2011 ::::: Mortician's Parlor, Bodie, California
Coffins ::::: 2011 ::::: Mortician's Parlor, Bodie, California
Bodie Moonrise ::::: 2003 ::::: Bodie, California
High Desert Hangin' Tree ::::: 2008 ::::: High Vista, California
Josh Darwin ::::: 2007 ::::: Darwin, California
Played out, run down and lonely.
Updated December 2024.
J’s Amusement Park and Haunted House
Out of Gas
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