All that’s left of this 1960s Ford C-Series truck is a battered cab, sitting in the dirt, with a legless doll hanging where the mirror used to be. The roof had been pulled several feet vertically–peaked like a tent, making the center of where the windshield would be, twice it’s normal height. I set the […]
Flank Against the Fence
1971/’72 Mustang at Paul’s Junkyard. Until recently this car was hidden behind a pile of 30′ girders. I focused the camera on the grille and headlights first. The interior was lit with a green-gelled strobe, the headlights, a natural LED and the red is an LED flashlight reflected off of a white car right behind […]
Pony Withers
Paul’s Junkyard. Blue and red LED flashlights. The exposure was short enough that the background remained dark.