The Lost America Blog

The End of the Roach Coach

The End of the Roach Coach ::::: Paul's Junkyard ::::: September 2011

Movie prop catering truck (blown up for “CSI”) circling the drain at Paul’s Junkyard.  Pretty sure this thing’s gone by now.

What made me stop to shoot it in the first place was the converging perspective lines and multiple planes of depth in the scene.  I liked the way the moonlight was grazing the front of the truck and that the left side dumpsters were in total shade–perfect for lighting.  I also liked all the complexity and details along the skyline.

The finished image is a stack of five 5-minute exposures, yielding 25-minute star trails.  During the first of those five exposures I did the lighting: naturally warm AA Maglite on the dumpster and front of the truck–just enough to show some details, but not overpower the scene. I also did a number of red-gelled strobe pops inside the cab of the truck to reveal all the burnt out details and texture in there.


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