I’ve built a new gallery for this here lostamerica.com site. Click here to visit. Most of these images have appeared online piecemeal, over the last year or so (along with a few new ones like the image above), but for all you new viewers, this is a set of roadside ghost town work you’re really gonna enjoy. Longtime viewers can now revisit these favorites as they were meant to be seen: in this sequence, all at one time.
In the summer of 2012, during the waxing Blue Moon, I spent two nights wandering alone in California’s High Desert, the Antelope Valley. It was insanely fun and productive.
Sites include:
TV/Movie location, Tropico Road, near Mojave.
Abandoned factory/mill structures, Mojave, California.
Various abandoned ranches and little used roads, east of Lancaster and Palmdale.
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