At 10AM on Monday, I announced a spring 2014 night photography and light painting workshop (with Joe Reifer) to my pre-registration mailing list. By 1PM the workshop was FULL. Sold out in three hours–without even mentioning it publicly. I’m overwhelmed by your response. Thank you!
So, I’m not looking for more people for this workshop, BUT, if you do want to take a workshop with Joe and I, it looks like we’ve reached a point where you’ll have to get on the mailing list, or you may never get the chance. Send me an e-mail with your e-mail address and I’ll add you for the Fall workshop announcement, coming in the spring.
Image: “Ghost Hauler” a 1961 International Travelall, in our new workshop location. Red and blue Protomachine flashlight, full moon, and the glow of Fresno in the background.
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