It’s a DuMont! Never actually seen one of these in person. Today almost no one remembers, but in the early days of television, the fledgling DuMont Network fought for a share of the market with NBC and CBS. Started by DuMont Laboratories as a showcase for their line of televisions, it was beset with troubles from the very start. By the mid ’50s the network was all but a memory. DuMont Labs was dragged down by the networks huge losses, closing in ’58, making this monstrosity one of the very first color TVs to hit the market. This was an expensive, highly coveted object when it was new. 2014 finds it’s remains in the back room of a ravaged house near the Silver Queen Mine, in the upper Mojave Desert.
Night, composite of two 2-ish-minute exposures. Lit by the full moon and Protomachine flashlight: 3 colors from 5 directions.