In July I was able to get night access to Alcatraz with a group of night photographers. (Get on Tim’s mailing list, they may decide to do another night tour sometime soon . . .) Part of the tour involved some time inside the medical building. I was lucky the light switch worked inside the exam […]

Alcatraz Industries Building
Here’s the Industries Building. Unfortunately, this whole part of the island is crumbling and reclaimed by roosting seagulls, so it’s off-limits. When I arrived at this spot, several photographers were a little further down the ramp shooting this same angle. I opted to wait for them to finish and set up higher on the ramp […]

Alcatraz Laundry
The northwest corner of the glass-block-windowed laundry building on Alcatraz. The shape of the heavy industries building can be seen just outside. I let the exterior, bathed in strong sodium vapor light, burn in for 200 seconds while I lit the interior with natural LED flashlight. Rather than shining it directly onto the walls, I […]

More Alcatraz Laundry
Another view inside the rusting and decaying laundry building on Alcatraz. That’s the north tower of the Golden Gate bridge visible in the window. Note how the sea air has even consumed the metal window mullions. The window is now sealed by a single sheet of obnoxiously reflective plexiglas, forcing me to strip in the window […]

Alcatraz Laundry
In July I was able to tag along with a group shooting on Alcatraz at night. The tour was a little regimented and most of the island was bathed in murky fog and sodium vapor light, but it was an insanely good time, nonetheless. I mean, how many people get to stay on Alcatraz taking […]