Here’s the Lemony Snickett movie prop Chrysler Imperial limo again. This custom dashboard is utterly unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a junkyard before. This was an intensely complex set up. Because the passenger area is huge in a limo I had plenty of room to set the tripod up there and point the camera over […]

Lonoak Imperial
Lets start the new year by looking backwards. This image is from 1992. That summer I visited a dry river in a remote spot in Central California, where the locals tied heavyweight ’50s and ’60s cars to the banks where the river curved, to prevent erosion in the flood season. There was about 50 rusted […]

Automatic Drip
Bumbled my way into a new junkyard last week near Stockton California. Took a lot of convincing, but the manager ended up letting me stay to shoot until 11. The yard is mostly contemporary cars (ie: about 10 years old), definitely a departure for me, but I still managed to find plenty to shoot and […]