The Lost America Blog

Cab-Over Front-Office

Cab-Over Front-Office ::::: Paul's Junkyard ::::: October 2011

’70s-vintage Peterbilt cab-over semi-truck at Paul’s Junkyard.  This body was off the frame, sitting on the dirt.  Normally this interior would be 8 feet off the ground and virtually impossible to shoot using these techniques, but I was able to easily set up at shoulder-level in the doorway.  Red-gelled strobe inside the sleeping compartment, blue gelled LED from the top-left.  I rolled down the drivers-side window to avoid reflections and include the mountains and sky for depth.  I also used lime-gelled LED through the windshield to make the CB radio wires, air freshener (find one in every car) and vents pop out of the background and balance the volume of light throughout.  This is a sandwich of two 2-minute exposures.

Workshop availability?  Yes.

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