I’m gonna be a featured speaker at the “Western NC Foto Fest” in Asheville, North Carolina on September 11 and 12 (friday and saturday).
Friday’s talk will be a mutant travelogue of derelict ocean liners, aviation boneyards, abandoned mental hospitals, and many of the other strange things I’ve been shooting since 1889. I’ll talk about my field process, but it’ll be lighter on the technical. Saturday will be the opposite: a hardcore technical breakdown of a number of images, from the initial RAW mixdown to postproduction . . . as well as 15 minutes on my fanatical compositional checklist.
Should be a crazy fun whirlwind weekend, if you’re in the area, here’s your chance to see my dog and pony show!
All the info is here: http://www.wncfotofest.com
Convair 880 at the Mojave Airport Boneyard, December 1990.
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