Archive | Munz Ranch
One Track Mind  :::::

One Track Mind

Out in a field on the Munz Ranch property, as far from the sodium vapor lights as I could get.  Is this a Snow Cat or just some kind of home-made tracked farm vehicle?  Cool and rusty, whatever it is.  LED flashlight down the side and snooted into the broken headlight, orange-gelled strobe inside the […]

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Elizabeth Lake  :::::  Munz Ranch  :::::  October 2011

Munz Ranch Elizabeth Lake

1930s-vintage International dump truck, out to pasture at Munz Ranch, near Lancaster California.  A strong sodium vapor light on the far side of the truck is lighting the weeds and background trees, The truck, this side in total shadow, was lit with an LED flashlight along with a couple of blue-gelled strobe pops from the […]

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Nesthyl  :::::  Munz Ranch


Critters love to build nests inside old gas pumps, I’ve seen this kind of thing many times.  I think they like the warmth and safety being behind glass provides, but I’m no bird whisperer. Due to the extremely strong sodium vapor light shining right on the pump (reflecting on the stainless steel “National” band) this […]

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10:03 Forever  :::::  Winnebago in a stream bed. Three Points, California.

10:03 Forever

During the October full moon I had a free day to myself before teaching a workshop at Paul’s junkyard, so I cruised the Antelope Valley in the afternoon searching for locations and subjects to shoot that night.  In the southern foothills, near a hamlet called Three Points, I found this wrecked 25′ Winnebago, canted at […]

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The Combine Vortex

The Combine Vortex

A little slow on the postings this week.  I’m in the process of reconstructing the entire universe, using wordpress.  The idea is to have the site not rely on flash, so it will run on Android and iStuff.  This blog will be seamlessly integrated into the site. Huge job, but I’m over the hump on it […]

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Munz Island

Munz Island

Munz Ranch, west of Lancaster, in the Antelope Valley.  I rolled by in the late afternoon and spoke to the guy who was house-sitting for the Munz family.  He invited me back to shoot later that night . . . so long as I brought him back a half-gallon of milk, so he wouldn’t have […]

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Lawn Monster

Lawn Monster

Munz Ranch, near Lancaster, California.  It’s a tractor grille sitting in the weeds.  The camera was taken off the tripod and set flat on the ground for this.  Backlit with red LED flashlight and toplit with blue-gelled LED.

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