The caretaker that lives at the Dayton Mill has a thing for Jeepsters. Aside from his silver daily driver, there are two more, partially disassembled in his garage, and several incomplete bodies stashed around the property. I’ve always been a fan of these wacky machines too. And the song.
Night, totally dark interior. Red and natural LED flashlight, blue-gelled flashlight and natural xenon flashlight. The exposure was long enough for me to stumble around the room in the dark and get the lighting done. Falling into that big pit on the left was not an option . . .
For my vegetarian friends. Totally dark interior, turquoise and red-gelled strobe. A little snooted natural flashlight on that bumper sticker too.
My humble host loves his Jeepsters. Check out that “lips” bumper! Total darkness, lit with LED flashlight, from 2 sides.
Natural, red and green-gelled flashlights. The exposure was short enough, that the moon light had no effect.
A front clip, perched on a cliff overlooking the valley, this is a 4-minute exposure, with a little AA Maglight on the grille.
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